
The single woman.

I meet so few of these nowadays it seems. From my dear close, friends that are in committed, long-term relationships to others that seem to be in my dugout, the committed, long-term relationship team is quickly gaining ground and rounding third on its way to home base.

I guess it's that time of our lives...the time when we're supposed to be meeting a special someone, putting a ring on it and walking down the aisle. Don't get me wrong, I'm 100% all for it...someday.

In the meantime, I'm finding it difficult to be a single woman in a high-pressure world that screams at me everyday: "You're inadequate; you should have found your man by now."

What should a single woman look like? Does being single mean I should hit up every happy hour at the local bars? Does it mean I should be updating my online profile daily to ensure the best matches? Do I need to ask all my friends to set me up on blind dates? Should I be frantically introducing myself to all the single groomsmen at weddings?! I just can't live my life like that.

Sometimes, I even start questioning what exactly it is that men find attractive. In one of my pity party moments recently, I asked my roommate, "Are all of my family and friends just telling me I'm beautiful because they love me? Am I actually really ugly and all of you guys just can't bear to tell me?"

Ridiculous...I know, and we laughed about it as soon as I said it, (I believe she may have mentioned something about me being dramatic as per usual...), but sometimes it can seem that way. For all of us single girls that aren't too keen on the bar scene or really just don't have any interest in habitual dating, what does the single life look like?

Lately, for me, it's pretty much just been work and watching countless TV shows and movies on Netflix and Hulu in the warm cocoon of my room. Lame...I know, but it's comfortable. I've never been a fan of putting myself in uncomfortable situations, and dating has always seemed like an uncomfortable situation to me.

Yes, I am 24 years old and single.
No, I'm not actively searching for someone to date.
Yes, I do want to meet someone eventually.
No, I don't know how I'm going to meet him.

No, there's nothing wrong with me.

A verse that's always stuck with me whenever I get blue about being single is this:

Proverbs 31:30
"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."

At the end of the day and at the end of life, if I never get married, it won't matter. Men will always let me down, but He never will.

For all you single girls out there that would like to be eyeing home plate with the other team, take this into consideration: being happy doesn't depend on being in a relationship. As cliché as it might sound, you are gorgeous. Do things that you enjoy, live life to the fullest and find joy in the love that you do have.

Also...love yourself. :-)

Love and peace,


P.S. For all my dear, close friends in a long-term, committed relationship: I am truly happy for you. I want to celebrate your love with you because you all give me hope. :-)


New video upload.

New videos uploaded here.

Amelia and The Guys performing "Montezuma" and "Heartbreakin' Love."

I wrote "Montezuma" about my favorite place in the entire world, and I wrote "Heartbreakin' Love" while contemplating love gone wrong.

Enjoy. :-)

Peace and love,


P.S. It's going to hit 60 degrees next week here in Cookeville...I'm ready for the thaw. :-)


I want to be an acacia tree.

I was going to blog about my thoughts on love and all that jazz (I still might later this month), but instead, something else has come to me.

I was speaking with one of my best friends on the phone this afternoon, recounting some things I'm dealing with in life at the moment, and I was able to talk it out a bit, which is always good. I've been frustrated with things...the new job, though awesome, isn't as financially stable as I thought it would be, and May is looming over me like a giant thundercloud because when May comes, both of my roommates will be moving out and moving on, and I still have no clue where I should go to move out and move on. In essence, I feel as though I'm spinning my wheels, slinging mud everywhere, going nowhere, and running out of gas in the process.

Right after I got off the phone, I decided to delve into some much needed alone time with my Teacher and see what His perspective on the matter is.

This is what I got:

An acacia tree. Random, I know, right? I love the way God speaks to me. :-)

In the book of Exodus, God gives Moses instructions on how to build several things such as the Ark of the Covenant, the poles that hold the Ark of the Covenant, and the altar to Him. He specifies that each of these things be built out of acacia wood.

Acacia trees are known for surviving through drought and famine. They have deep roots that find water and nutrients when water and nutrients are scarce. Throughout history, they have been a symbol of stability and resilience. Acacia wood is one of the most durable woods on the planet and is used for all kinds of things from making furniture to gum to food to medicine to tannins.

Life is never easy, and it's never what it seems. However, I truly believe there's a reason for every season: the good and the bad.

He's making me into an acacia tree, and an acacia tree is what I want to be.

Strong, durable, stable, and resilient.

I love my life, I love being happy, and I love that I'm always learning. :-)

Love and peace,


P.S. I love giraffes...and elephants.