I'm busy...so sorry.
After the spider bite debacle, Christmas came...then New Year's...then I was changing jobs...
then my best friend from high school got married...
then I went to Philadelphia for a weekend...
and now.....I'm just working...
It's pretty amazing. Though I definitely don't hold any grudges against the first coffeehouse I worked in upon moving to Chattanooga, I'm kind of partial to this new place. I love my new co-workers, the atmosphere, and the fact that I can listen to whatever music I want while working! :-) It's been a good change.
I love my life. I really just can't say that enough. The past few weeks have shown me how truly blessed I am. When the going gets tough, God has placed these amazing people in my life, old and new, to help me get through it. Stress was my closest companion for a while, but I had people there the whole time telling me it was going to be okay...just a few more days...
Letting other people bear my burdens is not one of my strong suits. I tend to just carry everything that's weighing on me like a pack mule ascending to Machu Picchu (I want to go there!) in the middle of the winter while fighting a hellacious cold...okay...that's probably an exaggeration, but you get my drift.
I feel like God has really been showing me lately that it's time to stop. I need to let other people help me. I need to learn how to share my burdens because that's what I'm called to do for others.
"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."
Galations 6:2
Things are good now...the stress has passed for the time being, but it will come again, and it's coming for those close to me right now. Today is Valentine's Day, and in the United States it tends to become all about flowers, candy, and cards...but I distinctly remember celebrating this day four years ago in Costa Rica and absolutely loving it. They celebrate El Día de Amistad y Amor...the day of friendship and love. This is what today means to me. It has nothing to do with romance and everything to do with the fact that I have to best friends and family in the world...I seriously couldn't create a better support system for myself if I tried.
Thank you to everyone that loves me...I love you all, and I pray that I can show you a smidgen of the love you've shown me. :-)
Peace and love,
P.S. If you ever have a chance to light Chinese lanterns, do it. It's magical. :-) My new friends John Somerville and Molly Gardner took some awesome pictures of it.